Showing posts with label Free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2012

ebooks: Freebies and Good Deals

Every month Amazon has a 100 books under $3.99 deal.

Rides a Dread Legion by Raymond Feist. I'm a sucker for his writing because I've been reading it for years and years.  $1.99
Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb. Enjoyed the original trilogy and some of the other books written by Hobb. $1.99
The Last Apprentice: I mention it not because I've read it, but because its for young readers. $1.99
Monsters and Manuals, a blog I follow, has a great post talking about a Project Guttenburg Appendix N. Public Domain for the win!
Orbit Books has four ebooks for $2.99. Even though I've mentioned I wasn't blown away by Karren Miller's book for $2.99 I bought it again to show my support. And Brent? I did enjoy the Night Angel trilogy so that was a no-brainer. And my mother is a huge fan of vampire and supernatural things so that was another book bought.
And I've mentioned it before, but Baen has a whole slew of free books over here:
If you're not reading because paperbacks are $9.99 and hardcovers $30, these are some cheap reads for you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

At the Queen's Command for Free At Amazon

While I will be purchasing books in physical format for some time to come, due to great deals at various markets or through Half-Priced books, or simply when the format is not available in another format, I'm always pleased when e-books provide readers with reasons to check them out. In this casse, At the Queen's Command: The First Book of the Crown Colonies, by Michael A. Stackpole is available in Kindle format for the princely sum of zero.

I find these types of bargains, where the first book in a series is reduced or even free, or the first book by a new author, to be an excellent way to provide new readers to that authors work with an introduction to the work without fear of investment. Well, outside of time.

I hope to see more authors doing this and seeing older works continue to go down and more variety in sales as Amazon and it's new Fire tablet continue to work the market.